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Mission San Luis strives to tell the stories of both the Apalachee and the Spanish who lived here through programs, events, and museum tours catered to guests of all ages. Your support furthers our goal of being able to present educational programming, events, and workshops at no cost or reduced rates.

We thank you for your donations that directly support the educational and community programs of Mission San Luis.


Donate Now

Traditional Donations


 Cash or Check

Checks Payable to: Friends of Florida History, Inc. – Mission San Luis

Mission San Luis

2100 West Tennessee Street

Tallahassee, FL 32304


Stock Transfer

Mission San Luis is pleased to accept donations of stock. With a gift of stock, you may take a tax deduction for the full, fair-market value of the stock. For more information about making a donation of stock, please contact our Executive Director, Trampas Alderman at:  [email protected]


Gifts from an Estate – Leave a Legacy

Supporters can make a lasting impact by making a legacy gift. For more information about making a planned gift, please contact our Executive Director, Trampas Alderman at: [email protected]


Friends of Florida History, Inc. ~ Mission San Luis

Board Of Directors

Lester Abberger, Chair
Managing Partner
B.L. Abberger & Company

LeRoy Collins III
Vice President – Cybersecurity
CEA Group

Ramon Maury
President & CEO
Maury Management Group

Amanda Murphy, WMS
Vice President, Investments
Raymond James

Melissa Schechter
OES Global, Inc.

Don Slesnick
Managing Partner
Law Offices of Slesnick & Casey, LLP

Jaymes "Jaye" Turnbull

Katelyn Wonsock, CPA
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC