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Suggested Readings

Religious Artifacts

Deagan, Kathleen
2002 Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean, 1500-1800. Volume 2: Portable Personal Possessions. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Egan, Martha J.
1993 Relicarios: Devotional Miniatures from the Americas. Santa Fe, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press.

Gavin, Robin Farwell
1994 Traditional Arts of Spanish New Mexico. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press.

Gettig, Lynda Jessen
1989 The History of the Cross in Religious & Political Symbolism. Wickenburg, Arizona: Rainbow Hogan Museum of the Cross.

Keleman, Pál
1969 Art of the Americas: Ancient and Hispanic. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.

Kubler, George and Martín Soria.
1959 Art and Architecture in Spain and Portugal and Their American Dominions 1500-1800. Baltimore: Penguin Books.

McEwan, Bonnie G., Michael W. Davidson, and Jeffrey M. Mitchem
1997 A Quartz Crystal Cross from Mission San Luis, Florida. Journal of Archaeological Science 24:529-539.

Thomas, David Hurst
1993 The Archaeology of Mission Santa Catalina de Guale: Our First 15 Years. In The Spanish Missions of La Florida, edited by Bonnie G. McEwan, pp. 1-34. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.

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